How Your Help Now Will Finish the Job of Saving The Miami Circle !

Slightly less than a year ago, in the summer of 1998, a discovery was accidentally made by a surveyor named Ted Riggs, in "high-rise" downtown Miami, Florida: a perfect ring of 30, ancient, geometric "holes" -- carved in the limestone at the mouth of the Miami River .
Photo: "Miami-Dade County Historic Preservation Division"

One early speculation regarding the usage of the ring, based on certain astronomical alignments encoded in the "holes," was as an "ancient solstice and equinoctial Native American observatory"; dating of the ring by radiocarbon methods, initiated by lead Miami-Dade County archaeologist, Bob Carr, was an astonishing "several thousand years ..." Eventually Carr, a local Tequesta Indian specialist, was forced to admit that,
"Nothing like this has ever been seen anywhere in
North America...